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I'm a 22 year old chick from NSW Australia, I love the internet! I work, and I drink copious amounts of RUM!



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i blogged on 2003-06-02 @ 7:17 p.m./b>

More Owwwwww!!

Well, Its Monday and I'm back at work.

Let me tell you about Sunday!

The day started off so well, I slept in till about 11:00.

Got up, had brunch, then got changed to help dad chop firewood (you might remember, this is what I did last sunday, in the entry titled Ooowww!, much of the same there really)

So, anyhoo, I happily chopped away for about an hour, then Dad and I got the chainsaw out, and got a whole stack of chainsawing out of the way (yes I do chainsaw). Then, we had the brainiak idea of getting the Bench Saw out, to cut up the left over pailings from our old decking.

All was going well, I had cut about 15 or so of these pailings, into lengths of about 30cm.. I was getting to the last of the pailings, it was an old Splintered peice of wood.

So i chucked it under the saw, Held it down with my left hand, pressed the start button with my right, and bought the saw down onto the wood.

Due to the fact that these pailings were full of old rust nails, they didn't sit evenly on the table, add to that, the fact that this one was severly splintered, as soon as the saw hit the wood, it got thrown up under the saw, immdediately stopping the saw, but alas, the damage was done, My index finger got jammed in between the hunk of wood, and the metal guide rail on the saw.

Lets just say, there was great pain and gnashing of teeth. Not to mention tremendous expletives rattled off at an increadible rate, I also did the dance of the seven veils, or an immediate variation of it, as i leapt around the yard like someone walking on hot coals.

My finger is now twice the size it should be. Its also black. The nail is black, with a big white bump in the middle.. I think i'm going to lose the nail.

But wait, theres more, It doesn't end there.

I went down for lunch, with my finger in an Icepack. After about an hour, I felt better, so I decided to get the lawnmower going... After I'd been mowing for about 25 minutes, we got the mower onto the second level, where I had to start it again.

Stupid me, had moved the mower to close to the retaining wall... So you can guess what happened when I pulled on the starter cord can't you.. Yup, thats right.. I elbowed the retaining wall behind. So, now I'm typing with only 9 fingers, I can't straighten the elbow on my right, hand, and whilst finishing the mowing yesterday, i jammed my right hand inbetween the mower and a huge hunk of wood I was mowing under.

I feel like a freaking thunderbird. My shoulders hurt, my sides hurt. My finger is purple, My elbow is stiff, Its taken me for ever to type this entry cause I can't type properly... All in all..

Sunday Sucked!


Michelle - 2003-06-03 05:13:50
Ouch! Am gleefully picturing your spirited Dance of the Seven Veils. At least you didn't request the severed head of John the Baptist when you were done- did you?