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I'm a 22 year old chick from NSW Australia, I love the internet! I work, and I drink copious amounts of RUM!



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i blogged on 2003-01-19 @ 2:45 p.m./b>

Take me Drunk I'm home again

You know those first few moments in the morning when you wake up after a big night out... You open your eyes, and your body does a quick systems check to survey the damage... and in those first few moments, you can ascertain just how bad today's hang over will be...

I remember going off to sleep last night thinking "Oh please god, don't let me be sick tomorrow...oh please oh please, i'll never do this again..."

And this morning i woke up, and it took me half an hour to talk myself into getting vertical, for fear of that all to familiar feeling, where the blood rushes to your head, and the alcohol rushes to your stomach... and all of a sudden you feel the increadible urgency to lie down again and pretend it never happened..

Well, lucky for me, i didn't have any of the above mentioned side effects this morning... only the increadible urge to come out and eat a full plate of Bacon, Eggs, Tomato, Mushroom, Cuppa coffee, 'nother cuppa coffee... instead I settled for Scrambled eggs on toast, curtesy of my legend brother.

I - have discovered the cure for hang overs...actually thats not true, i've got nothing to back that up, My friend Robert, told me the cure for hangovers, and now i pretend its mine..

Now, get comfortable kiddies, here begineth the drinking lesson...

When you return from a particulary heavy night on the piss... before passing out... drink AT LEAST 4 glasses of water.

I kid you not... you will wake up the next morning feeling seedy...but minus the heavy metal band rehearsal in your head, and the increadible urge to pay hommage to the porcelain god.

I drank like a fish last night, I had about 3 schooners of New... 4 Rums and coke, plus i shared a bottle with my brother, Got home, ate until i remembered to stop, forced down four glasses of water (there wasn't room but i made it) and went to bed...

My Big nights out on the town a few and far between, purely because... i dance when i'm drunk... well, not so much dance but throw my arms and legs around and yell loudly..

I'm hoarse this morning, and i know thats because i queued up "Dennis Leary - Asshole" in the Juke box 3 times and sang on the top of my voice ( i'm one of the few people who can sing his entire exposition section without fault.. the guys love it!!)

Apart from being at the pub for 5 hours last night, my brother, sister, neighbour and myself, went over to this park on the waterfront where we live.. we were sitting there getting stuck into a bottle of rum, it had just gone 8pm.. when my sister commented... "Far out, check out the water, you can see where the breeze hits the water adn where its nice and calm in here" (Now yesterday was about 38 degrees (celcius) and we were expecting a southerly change) no sooner had she said that, when, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH

All of a sudden, this MASSIVE, MASSIVE gale hits...

The cups went flying, someone had enough sense to grab the rum, and we sat there, pissed as nits, on the tables dancing away like morons, as this gale screamed around us.. We also occasionaly had to hold on to my neighbour, who is stick thin, and nearly blew away 4 times..

All in all, a great night..
