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I'm a 22 year old chick from NSW Australia, I love the internet! I work, and I drink copious amounts of RUM!



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i blogged on 2003-01-24 @ 10:46 a.m./b>

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me

Hullo all!!

I've just read my guestbook entries on my webpage

And i think i'm supposed to be upset or angry or something... i don't know... but all i can manage is a bit of a laugh and a "Oh you poor bastard" For anyone who doesnt know about Mark.. you know, the idiot with the afro that i wrote about a few weeks ago.. Well, he went and found some friends, well, a friend, and got them to sign my guestbook thusly:

"You are a dead set fucking idiot. My friend,(and from what i hear he's your friend too) Mark, told me about this skanky mole at tafe he knows and showed me YOUR page.You obviously don't know mark too well to judge him like you do.He only listens and shows interest in people when they have something useful to say...coming to the conclusion that you and all your I.T. fuck buddies are boring losers. get a fucken life...NERD"

Oh, I am so hurt, ouch ouch, my ears are burning, and then, not to be out done, Mark himself, da man, da mouth, has signed in... thusly:

"Good morning everyone that has signed your guestbook ever, i would all like you to read this excellent diary entry by JANE. Pfft, its a laugh and a half, almost as boring as the girl who wrote it. WANKER, lisa i think i admitted it a few times and if i ever insulted anyone in our class, well i am very sorry doods, but im not to jane, cause she annoyed the shit out of everyone in the class and i hope none of you are considering doing IT cert 3 GENERAL at newcastle tafe part-time cause i couldnt p"

No typo there... he just stopped midsentance... well i can P, How bout everyone else? Do you have trouble P'ing Mark??

And methinks, If you do a class pole of our IT class, you will find that Mark, bless his soul, was the most annoying waste of space in the class. He has the maturity of a Goldfish. And the literacy skills of a kindergartener, at least i can construct a sentance, Mark, I've read your entry 5 times, and you still lose me after the Wanker bit, who's the wanker, Me, You, Lisa? Lern Gooda Engishe.

Mark, how much did you have to pay the coward who didn't even leave their name (and didn't even spell mine correctly, i am ONE bundy Chick, not many Bundy Chicks, your definately female aren't you, none of marks "mates" would write such a suck up entry) to write that entry?

He tells me to get a life, this guys life, consists of going to friends houses, drinking himself into a stupor, pissing on their couches and doing it all again the next night, and he's not even legal yet! Some life!!

Anyway, the Bundy Chicks with no life, is signing out.
