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i blogged on 2003-02-28 @ 10:09 p.m./b>

You're a Winner?!!!!!!!

The following, is a word for word transript of a letter that i received on very official looking paper yesterday, with a personalised greeting and a postage paid return envelope...

Notice of Unpaid Prize Money

Unpaid Amount: $2,786.55

Claimant Number: A13A031411

Eligibility File Ref:AUSO476

Jane Nicolle

We are endeavouring to contact the J Nicolle who has been Living at

, for the past 90 days or more.

If you are the person we are looking for, we are very pleased to have reached you.

This notice is being sent to you in connection with an "UNPAID CASH PRIZE" in a mail order prize draw. The outstanding amount is $2,786.55 and we are responsible for ensuring that it is paid out to the rightful winner by bank certified cheque.

J Nicolle, I am indeed happy to be able to inform you that you have been deemed officially eligible to receive this unpaid cash award.

This is not a particularly large amount of money. However, management has informed me that they would like me to have a certified cheque issued and delivered before out books close for the quarter, if possible.

Please be good enough to return the Registered Entitlement & Claim Form (Form 109A) below as we require it for processing.

Management has asked me to point out to you that the official rules governing the reliease of this payment require that you submit your Form 109A within the next 14 days, failing which your eligibility must be forfeited and the award will definitely go to someone else.

So, you with me so far. I've just won $2,876.55. Yay team Jane!

So i'm doing the happy dance around the kitchen... when i start to read the "Form 109A"

"I am returning this Form 109A in accordance with your instructions. To the best of my knowledge, I am doing so within the time period stipulated. If you concur that I have met the relevant conditions and I am identified and confirmed as the rightful winner of the amount indicated above, please forward my cash prize immediately. At my discretion, I am enclosing $39.99 to cover express handling of my file as well as first class delivery of my optional entitlement of a protfolio of Cash Value Certificates on holidays, leisure, and retail shopping with a guaranteed redemption value of $2,000.00. I understand this fee will be immediately refunded if my voucher arrives to late, or if I am in any way unhappy with my entitlement.


1) My cheque of postal order for $39.99 payable to PAA enclosed

2) Charge my Credit Card

Card No________________________Expiry Date________________Signature___________

3)Optional Entitlements Waived

When i got to the "I am enclosing $40 bit, i gagged.

Shit. Bugger. Bugger. Shit.

But it doesn't end there! you turn the page over and it goes on IMPORTANT: THIS IS AN OFFICIAL SWEEPSTAKES/PRIZE DRAW NOTICE It has been the experience of this office that some recipients fail to respond to this notification because they do not take is seriously. Please be assured that this is no mistake, your computer selection for this prize draw has been security chekced and verified. Your current status is precisely as set out herein and we would very much regret seeing someone else being awarded the amount in question simply because you either failed to respond or did not do so within the prescribed period. Regrettably, we do see large sums of money going to others, every year, simply because some recipients of our noticies do not take them serciously. I sincerely ask you to not let this happen to you.

Please understand that your official eligibliity for this cash amount cannot, under any circumstances, be extended beyone the pre-established deadline period and no purchase action is obligaroty to enter. Nor will such action increase your chances. WE URGE YOU TO RETURN YOUR FORM 109A WITHOUT DELAY.

In closing I would like to say that I very much hope to be issuing a cheque for $2,876.55 t you in the near future. Please help me to facilitate that possibility by responding immediately.
Yours Sincerely
Peter Holmes Manager - Prize Administration and Payments.

Then theres a massive paragraph in fine print on the rules and conditions,which i'm not going to type up!

So -

I dragged myself into the computer room, and in google.com i typed "Mail Order SweepStakes" and page after page of hoax warning came up. Its a really elaborate scheme, done by snail mail!

The return address is for Huddersfield in the UK, but the Postage Paid stamp is from Singapore!

How many thousands of people would fall for this?? Do the Math.. say 1000 people fall for it and send $40, They just made $40000.

Man...I certainly could have used $2,876.55 though...
